EarthTag: An intersection where technology meets you to save the Environment!

Let's Get Started

Discover a new way to stay informed and save the environment

Our app is available on any mobile device! Download now to get started!

What is EarthTag Really?

If you spot a tornado or a wildfire and you report it via EarthTag, you will give your community the gift of time! Sometimes minutes and seconds of warning can save lives.

EarthTag: Natural hazards and environmental degradation are among the greatest challenges that humanity faces. Please join us in our goal to save our precious planet and use EarthTag to report extreme weather and climate events (floods, wildfires, tornados, storm surge, etc.) and environmental problems (oil spill, illegal solid waste disposal, illegal deforestation, etc). EathTag is a citizen-science crowd sourcing app that allows everyone to report their observations related to weather, climate and environment. EarthTag can also help improve your outdoor experience. If you are hiking and you notice a closed trail due to landslide or heavy snow, you can warn other hikers. Kayakers can report water level and/or water quality condition. You provide crucial data for scientists to study weather, climate and environment. Become a “citizen scientist” with EarthTag and join us in our journey to protect our environment and increase our resilience against extreme events.

As a citizen scientist, you can report:

Natural Hazard

Environmental Problem

Outdoor Sports

Other Hazards

Start Reporting.
Collaborate With Others.
Save The Environment.

Let's Get Started!

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